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Discover how 20 years of technology is transforming patient care


by Lisa Öhberg

For more than two decades, Aurora Innovation has been helping healthcare providers increase their availability, easing the communication flow between patient and provider. This article takes you behind the scenes at Aurora Innovation to discover how enabling availability creates scope for both patients and healthcare professionals to have more time. And time, as we know, is often referred to as one of the most valuable resources that we have. 

Inside Aurora Innovation begins with a discussion with Jagoda and Mathias who work within different teams on Aurora teleQ product development.  Jagoda Kosewska, a software developer with a healthcare background, shares her experience working at Aurora and the exciting problems she gets to solve every day. Mathias Tunared, with 25 years of software development experience, talks about his role in the application team and the importance of staying on top of new trends and technologies. 

A positive impact on healthcare providers and patients

The conversation begins with the evolution of technology in the healthcare industry over the past 20 years. Mathias highlights the leap Aurora Innovation has made in terms of technology and the positive impact it has had on healthcare providers and patients, particularly with improved communication and reduced waiting times.  

“The product has taken a huge step in evolution technology wise, using modern frameworks and structures in the backend. While we’re looking towards the future, we’re also asking what kind of frameworks and technology to use to future-proof the product.” 

Matias discusses the advancements in healthcare communication technology, beginning with the introduction of the callback system. The interaction between healthcare providers and patients has grown significantly. 

“15-20 years ago patients would need to sit in lobbies or constantly call into healthcare centers with limited responses, and now you get a time when the clinic will call you back.”  

Jagoda describes the evolution of the company’s communication system from starting as a telephony system to now representing a comprehensive communication solution. She highlights that this solution now integrates various channels, including online chat and video conversations, emphasising the importance of effective communication in healthcare. 

“It makes it much easier for both sides, people working in healthcare as well as the patients. You really notice the difference when you call into a clinic that doesn’t have a callback system.”  

As a modern communication solution for managing patient contacts, Aurora teleQ streamlines the flow of communication between patients and healthcare providers. The structured and intuitive call booking system with time-scheduled callback rationalises daily work and reduces phone stress for healthcare professionals. Manual administration is minimised, and staff have a calmer work environment and more time for each patient, enhancing the perception of high service and quality. 

In a rapidly evolving marketplace, Aurora Innovation stays ahead of the curve by maintaining a focused commitment to healthcare. This specialisation enables Aurora to offer tailored solutions for their customers. Mathias emphasises the importance of continuous learning and innovation, which involves keeping up with industry trends, engaging with trade fairs, and adapting to new methodologies.  

“We need to be interested in learning new things and doing things in a new way. We’re also looking at learning and bringing in advancements outside the healthcare industry” 

This approach not only sustains their competitive edge but also ensures they’re consistently improving communication technology that’s critical to healthcare. Additionally, it helps Aurora to dynamically respond to the changing needs and challenges within the healthcare sector. 

To learn more about how Aurora Innovation is transforming the landscape of healthcare communication and to understand why reducing wait times is crucial, follow this link: Why do people need to wait? 


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