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A Partnership Approach


by Lisa Öhberg

Technology needs to be harnessed to meet the needs of the patient and healthcare services. This means taking a very human approach to healthcare technology, especially from the point of view of managing the care path.

In an article about Aurora Innovation’s approach to technology, we emphasised that both the healthcare professionals and patients often need to have specific skills to handle digital tools. Our approach is to consider a new system and service both from a medical and functional point of view, but also from the perspective of value creation for staff and patients.

For Aurora Innovation, our approach to technology is rooted within our company story. 

It started when our founder was a little boy. He was sitting in a hospital lobby, watching people sitting very patiently while waiting for the doctor. Time was running. He thought to himself, why do people need to wait? 

This insight became the basis for Aurora teleQ, our digital platform for contact management. It’s how we contribute to an improved experience for people in need of care, and a smoother work process for healthcare professionals. Inspired by the experiences of the founder when he was young, and setting the foundation for our human centric approach to technology development.


Humanising healthcare with our partners.

For patients, humanised healthcare means personalised services and increased availability. Aspects such as being contacted at their preferred time and communication channel. This provides a better service and can ultimately eliminate telephony stress for all.

Our approach to technology is one of the reasons why our partners choose us. We take several stakeholders into consideration when developing our product. It makes our system easy to implement and integrate with other healthcare applications, and enables one hundred percent availability. It also leads to better planning and a more efficient use of resources for the operations manager. Having one user interface for all channels means there’ll be smoother processes, a better working environment, and reduced stress.

Humanising healthcare for us means a deep understanding of value creation for staff and patients. An insight that started from the beginning of our twenty year history, and remains true today.

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