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Healthcare sector under pressure due to Corona-virus concerns


by Louise Wahlström

In the wake of the last few weeks spread of the Covid-19, known as Corona-virus in Europe, the healthcare sector has been put under a lot of pressure. Concerned citizens are calling their healthcare providers and are being met by long waiting times and stressed healthcare professionals. Aurora Innovation will support our customers beyond existing agreements to provide the relief the situation requires.

–   We are facing a crisis in society, and as a company providing solutions that facilitate access to healthcare. We believe it is our responsibility to assist in any way we can, says Martin Ingels, CEO at Aurora Innovation.

Here are a few ways we are helping our customers.

Swedish regions add Emergency message about the virus

Several Swedish regions, as well as private healthcare providers, have chosen to add an “emergency message” in Aurora teleQ which informs the patients about the Corona-virus. This is especially crucial since the most important information is that patients should not come into the healthcare center or the emergency room if they believe they are infected.

– During a 24-hour period, more than 33 000 calls were met by an emergency message about the Corona-virus, says Linda Barthelsson, Customer Care Consultant at Aurora Innovation.

The content of the messages vary but in many cases the patient is advised to call the national hotline that the Swedish government has set up.

National hotline for Corona-virus concerns in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands most of our customers (both hospitals and private practices) have added an extra menu for Corona which has two options.

  1. Information – where the patients are redirected to the Dutch national hotline.
  2. Infected – this option patients choose if they believe they have been infected and they will then receive advice on how to proceed.

– With these two options our customers can see how many calls are about Corona. If the number of calls increase a lot over the coming days and weeks they may choose to add a specific Corona-team. That way it won’t disturb the normal flow of incoming patient calls, explains Bob Winkel, Country Director at Aurora Innovation in the Netherlands.

Corona-virus specific phone numbers at Finnish hospitals

Several of our Finnish customers (Hospitals, Cities, Municipalities) have chosen to set up a dedicated Corona-virus phone number. One of the Hospitals will have the phone line open 24/7 to receive calls from concerned citizens and patients who want more information about Corona-virus or suspect they might be infected.

– This hospital wants to be available regardless of the time when the citizens’ need for a consultation from healthcare professionals arises, says Mikael Liias, Country Director at Aurora Innovation in Finland.

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