New Marketing Director onboard to ensure awareness and communication of ONE Aurora across all markets
by Lisa Öhberg
Starting October 1, 2021, Lisa Öhberg joined our team at Aurora Innovation in the role as Marketing Director. Getting Lisa on board will ensure a successful implementation of our new marketing strategy and our work to accomplish ONE Aurora across all markets. She will continue the work in building awareness and creating demand for Auroras´ digital platform for patient contact management.
Lisa joins from a position as Marketing Lead, Public and Health at TietoEVRY. She has comprehensive experience from B2B marketing and communications within the Tech-Industry as well as the Healthcare Sector. With her seniority, she has the capacity to work both on a strategic- and an operative marketing level.
Lisa adds, “I’m very excited to join Aurora Innovation and be a part of the company’s continued growth and expansion. I see great opportunities in continuing to communicate the value Aurora adds to the customers and, together with all employees, continue to build a strong and lasting brand.”
”I very much look forward to Lisa joining and believe she will be a strong asset to lead the marketing operation to become a modern digital B2B marketing machine, a communicator of our positioning and a true lead generating and business opportunity engine. Lisa’s deep and holistic understanding of healthcare as a market is naturally very valuable for us”, says Tapani Kyrki.
För intervjuförfrågningar:
Lisa Öhberg
Aurora Innovation Group, Marketing Director
About Aurora Innovation
Aurora Innovation is dedicated to increasing access to care services and creating well-functioning work environments for healthcare professionals.
Aurora teleQ, digital platform for contact management, brings together healthcare professionals and people in need of care – at a time that suits both across any channel, telephone or digital, resulting in a better experience for patients and a smoother process for healthcare professionals. From its headquarters in Sweden and offices in Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain, Aurora Innovation is continuously expanding its leadership into new European markets.
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